Saturday, September 29, 2007

Surrogacy in India - Is Cheaper Better?

Controversial? Yes. But what would you do if you were in the same situation...

I know that In-Vitro Fertilization(IVF) is expensive. Financing is one of the main concerns I discuss and work through with clients.

How much easier and more accessible would IVF be...if it cost 90% less?

In the United States...[they]...were informed that the services of a surrogate -- including in-vitro fertilization to home health care costs during pregnancy to delivery -- would cost them $60,000. If the in-vitro fertilization process is a success in India it costs just $6,000.

Before you buy your tickets, be aware that it's a higher risk to have a surrogate in India than it is in America. Unless you can afford to stay in India for nine months, it's much more difficult to keep in contact with your surrogate, and you can't be sure if the surrogate is taking care of her diet or health.

Ultimately, it's less expensive but comes with more risk. Especially if a couple researches on their own and does not use an experienced consultant to make sure everyone's credentials check out.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Soaring obesity levels may trigger infertility crisis

by: Katy Sinclair
Progress Educational Trust


A Lancet report has warned that the soaring levels of obesity in the western world will lead to a major infertility crisis in women. Commenting on the findings, Bill Ledger, Professor of Obstetrics at the University of Sheffield, warned that in the next decade the number of women seeking infertility treatment could double, to one in five. Mr Ledger said that this problem could be helped if women lost weight before seeking infertility treatment.


The study focused on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which affects one in 15 women worldwide. One of the symptoms of PCOS is infertility, and the syndrome is exacerbated by obesity. The lead author of the study, Robert Norman from the University of Adelaide, stated 'it's argued that obesity will cause a crisis in infertility .. Read full article at


Thursday, September 20, 2007

When you want to give up

Thanks so much to Purple Goddess in Frog Pyjamas for posting this inspiring thought. Even though it's from Scott Noelle, I never would have seen it if it wasn't for the post!


THE DAILY GROOVE ~ by Scott Noelle

:: The Myth of Fairness ::

Today’s message is actually an excerpt from one of
the Coaching Bulletins I’ve been sending to members
of the new “Total Immersion” support group… (See )

There’s nothing natural about our notions
of *fairness*.

If you play checkers with a 2-year-old, he
won’t perceive any unfairness when you
randomly take his checkers off the board, nor
would he feel the slightest guilt in taking

Such things don’t seem unfair until we are
*taught* the arbitrary rules of the game and
accept them as “the way things are.” Then we
feel a sense of violation when the rules are
broken: “That’s not fair!”

Children often enjoy being “mischievous”
because breaking arbitrary rules helps them
reconnect with the truth that Authentic Power
lies not in the rules but in themselves.

Today, when you observe an apparent injustice,
pretend there’s no such thing as fair/unfair. It
just *IS*. You’ll discover that when there’s no
injustice to fight against, all that’s left to do is
reach for your heart’s desire.

Feel free to forward this message to your friends!
(Please include this paragraph and everything above.)
Copyright (c) 2007 by Scott Noelle


So remember, when you're told you "can't" ... don't rail at the injustice of "why you" - live in that world of possibilities and realize that reaching for your dreams is the most important part of the process.